Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Spiderman 3

"Go get em tiger".Probably the most highly anticipated movie of 2007 was released over the Weekend.It's smashing box office records as I speak but dare I say lots of people will be disapointed.I enjoyed the movie but after two excellent first movies this had a lot to live up to and unfortunately it falls flat on its feet.While the action and special effects/CGI is flawless the plot is a bit thin, there is a lot of crying and it's a bit draggy.The lack of "venom" in the storyline really hurts it.Topher Grace is excellent as so is Tobey , though James Franco and Kirsten Dunst acting leaves a lot to be desired.So im a bit airy fairy on the rating so I will go with a 3 out of 5.
Spiderman 1 4.5 out of 5
Spiderman 2 5 out of 5

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